Dear Santa all I want for Christmas is……… A little cheer ahead of time

December 20, 2018

We wish if we could go back to the simplicity of Christmas days in the 1980s. When cassettes were still a thing and rice, chicken, coke as well as moving around the neighbourhood donning your new clothes were the true definition of Christmas. In the run-up to Christmas, every year without fail, as children we […]

Ploughing Into the Future

August 31, 2018

We are eager to participate in sustainable initiatives. As Edgars we are driven by the belief that investing in people is a reality that works in eradicating poverty. At group level, we continue partnering with different rural schools across the country to create a conducive learning environment through our exciting club competitions. The Club Cash […]

The Triple Effect

September 17, 2018

Giving back to the community is more than just charity, it is a way of improving the quality and dignity of peoples lives in many ways. Everything you give will be useful to someone somewhere and will help beyond measure. As The Edgars Group we embarked on double acts of kindness where we supported two different […]

Transforming through Clean Water

June 30, 2018

For a rural Zimbabwean child of school going age, fetching water is one of the daily core house chores which can be time consuming and exhausting. Access to water is synonymous with struggle, and this will leave one grateful for every drop of water. Imagine a day without water, where every drop counts. Not being […]

Going Green

May 1, 2018

With the rapid change in global climatic conditions, The Edgars group believes we have a critical role to play towards more sustainable and eco-friendly business practises. We have cut the amount of paper trail in all our business operations and strive for eco-friendly operations. It starts at grassroots level to nature ecofriendly culture and practices. As […]