Edgars Q1 2024 Trading Update

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September 17, 2018

Giving back to the community is more than just charity, it is a way of improving the quality and dignity of peoples lives in many ways. Everything you give will be useful to someone somewhere and will help beyond measure. As The Edgars Group we embarked on double acts of kindness where we supported two different institutions with specific needs.

House Project
Providing housing incentives is a recruitment tool that attracts and retains teachers with proponents saying teachers are happier and communities are stronger when educators are enabled to live near the schools they serve.
Teachers often struggle to get accommodation in the community where the school will be located., For  Chirere Primary School, the project to build a house to accommodate teachers was a great milestone. Edgars through our Club Competition winner Florence Makore, assisted Chirere Primary School to build the first house for its staff members, by donating  building material worth  US$2 700.


Letter from the Headmaster

Dear Edgars Team
This serves to inform you that Chirere Primary situated 18 kilometres from Zvishavane town along Masvingo road benefitted a 3 roomed house from Edgars Stores.
This was after an Edgars Club Member Florence Makore won a prize and nominated her home school Chirere to benefit from Edgars.
The school received building material worth $2 700. The donation comes at the right time as this house is the first teachers’ house at the school
Yours faithfully

E Shoko

Mzilikazi High School Book Donation
Books are an important part of our lives. As the adage says, the more you read, the more well-read you are. “Reading books beyond the ones prescribed in education syllabus ushers students into a different world” –  Lana Lewis. The Edgars Group donated 15 texboooks to Mzilikazi High School. Equipping the school library with books that will help enhance the students` reading culture.
We believe that, although education is a right, there is need to equip students with better tools that help achieve their goals and sharpen their brains.  Donating books is part of our Corporate Social responsibility ensuring that we foster good education.
The ability to make positive impact in the communities around us is a huge draw for us. We are always compelled to do more as we believe that it`s everyone`s responsibility to help in any way possible to ensure a better future.