Edgars Q1 2024 Trading Update

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May 26, 2022

Appointment: Mr Christo Claassen CA (SA)

Mr C. Claassen was appointed to the board as an independent non-executive director, effective 1 March 2022.

Christo is currently the Founder and CEO of Fortuna Investment Holdings (Cape Town), an investment holding company that focuses on investment in consumer-facing businesses. He is a qualified chartered accountant and also holds a MBA, specialising in retailing, from the University of Stirling in Scotland. Christo has over 20 years of executive retail experience, as CEO of the Jet division of Edcon and MD of the Fashion, Beauty and Home division of Woolworths.

Retirement: Mr Vusimuzi Mpofu – FCIS, ACMA, RPA(Z)

Vusimuzi Mpofu has retired from the Board and as Edgars Chain Director effective 31 January 2022.

He was appointed to the Board in 2008 after having joined the Edgars Group in 2000 as the Group Management Accountant. As Edgars Chain Director he was key in navigating the tough conditions created by the Covid 19 pandemic by providing strategic planning and risk mitigation.

The Board, management and staff would like to thank Vusimuzi for his contributions over the years and wish him well in his future endeavours.