Edgars Q1 2024 Trading Update

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December 16, 2014

Edgars Stores values the opportunity to touch the lives of vulnerable Zimbabweans within our communities. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual global movement from 25 November to 10 December, and is a time to galvanise action to end violence against women and girls. Local radio station ZiFm Stereo participated in the 16 Days campaign last year, dedicating programmes to the issue of gender-based violence. One such programme hosted by talk show host Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa featured rape survivor Precious, whose story Edgars was able to hear for the first time through Ruvheneko’s programme.

26-year-old Precious was interviewed alongside members of the Adult Rape Clinic, and listeners were told of her story having been brutally beaten and raped after hitchhiking a lift from Shamva. Due to fear and issues of victimisation, Precious had suffered in silence for months after the ordeal, not knowing who to turn to for help. When Precious was able to open up to her sister, she was persuaded to seek help from the Adult rape clinic, and found that she was now HIV positive as well as pregnant, with her health severely affected. Precious is a mother three and had been living with her in-laws, but was left destitute after her story came to light as she was blamed for trying to bewitch her husband who at that time was residing in South Africa.

Edgars was deeply touched by the story of what Precious had suffered, and decided to take some action to offer assistance. Edgars paid for her children’s school fees and provided some clothing for them over the Christmas Holidays. Precious is truly thankful for the gesture, and on a follow-up interview at Zifm, she thanked the Adult Rape Clinic and Edgars Stores, and appealed for assistance to be given to other women who are in similar situations. Precious touched so many lives by speaking out about her story and being a true survivor of what happened to her. Edgars Stores continues to wish her and her family all the very best for the future.