Edgars Q1 2024 Trading Update

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June 1, 2015

With so much happening in our lives, we tend to forget about the things that matter in this world. Our minds are always preoccupied by things that only captivate or entice us for the next minute, buying into the norm of kicking back letting things slide, ‘I mean if it doesn’t directly affect me it has nothing to do with me’… is the modern way of thinking.

The Edgars CCS team with the children at Queen Elizabeth Children’s Home

I’m not going to act all self-righteous like I haven’t done the same. Thanks to my fellow workmates I got to experience life at its best through one selfless act of random kindness. Just doing something for someone out of the goodness of your heart, touching a life and affecting the community in a way that would always be reflected on the memory of the smiles of the children and staff at Queen Elizabeth Children’s home.

Through hard work diligence, and putting in long hours, the Edgars Hospital Cash Plan team managed to go beyond what was expected of them, and their unrelenting effort was rewarded with a substantial amount being set aside to throw a party for them.

Instead of throwing an extravagant party for themselves, they saw it fit to share a portion of it with the less privileged. Thanks to the esteemed management that set aside the day for this endearing endeavour, it was a success. The team managed to make a donation to Queen Elizabeth Children’s home. The goodies comprised of food stuffs, snacks and treats, detergents, and books only to mention a few. The CCS team spent time with the children there.

I remember witnessing true pure love at first sight holding sweet baby Moses in my arms (right), so young, eyes so full of wonder, him so full of life, at the same time life being so unkind to him that he has to grow up without knowing his biological parents, a fate that was chosen for him, but praise be to the heavens he found people who love, nurture and raise him and everyone who has found refuge at this remarkable place.

Eyes closed I can still see the joy in the faces of the Edgars CCS team, it was a different type of joy as their hearts weighed heavy as they were bleeding for the kids at Queen Elizabeth. It was really a touching and humbling experiencing, a true slice of heaven for all of us. Even when it was time to leave, no one had the heart to walk away, we kept taking turns to go bid farewell to our newly found friends. It was truly and surely a blessing, a day engraved in our hearts. We vowed it was going to be the first of many visits there.

So Mr Editor, with gratitude for the provided platform, allow me the pleasure and honour, to thank the Edgars Group for availing the funds that created the chance for us to do this one thing for those kids, the management, Mr Hlupo and Mr Nyoni, the Edgars Hospital Cash Plan Team who without them it wouldn’t have been possible and the entire Edgars CCS Team for taking their time and resources to help make it a success, thank you and I challenge everyone, to get out of their comfort zone and do just one act of random kindness. Spread the love.