Edgars Q1 2024 Trading Update

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December 1, 2015

In August this year, Edgars ran a unique promotion across our 28 branches were we requested customers to be part of our CSR program. The uniqueness of the promotion was that customers were being requested to donate an old pair of their denim, buy a new pair from Edgars and immediately receive a free pair after their purchase.

The collected demin being attended to by Carousel staff

The promotion ran for a short 5 days, from the 7th to the 11th of August but the response we received from customers nationwide was overwhelming.

Over 2,800 pairs of denim were received from our customers, some fairly new, some international brands such as Levy and others a bit worse for wear but still salvageable. The denim was sent to Carousel our manufacturing unit in Bulawayo and the team there set to work sorting, washing and repairing the denim collected. The denim was then steamed and packed according to size and color.

This denim we will be sending back to the Edgars stores and each branch manager will go out and donate at least 100 pairs of denim to a home or charitable organization in their community just in time for Christmas.

We would like to thank all our customers who came out and donated towards this worthy cause. Its enlightening for us to know that you care for your communities as well. We will share the pictures of the various donations in the February-March edition of The Club.

Have a Blessed Christmas and may the spirit of giving continue to live in our hearts.